Car Code Privacy Policy


APP: "Android Vehicle Explorer Application"
DEVICE A: "ELM 327 Chip Blue Tooth OBD-2 adapter"
DEVICE B: "NueroSky MindWave Blue Tooth EEG headset
DEVICE C: "Android Installed Sensor Hardware"
USER: Entity of APP purchased, downloaded,and installed from Google Play Store.
VEHICLE: Mobile device with internal computer network.
Information collected by DEVICE A from VEHICLE by APP
Information collected by DEVICE B from biological active Brain by APP.
Information collected by DEVICE C by APP.

APP uses data for USER analysis, diagnostics and VEHICLE repair.
All data requests are APP described and USER requested.
APP does not use Internet, phone or message services.
APP does not share or transmit requested received USER data.
USER is sole and inclusive entity to start, stop, schedule, export and delete data.
USER retains exclusive rights to all and any data collected by DEVICE
USER option to start and stop request and collect specific data items.
USER option to record specific data items at scheduled times.
USER option to play back view and analysis of stored data.
USER option to delete data collected and stored in private APP directory.
USER option to export various private data to APP public download directory as text file.
USER option to use APP copy-paste function of various data.

VEHICLE Data Collected Can Include

USER EEG Brain Waves Can Include Android Hardware Can Include USER and VEHICLE Accelerometer Motion Signals

Additional Data Privacy Uses in vehicle development, inspection, law, accident and emission
Car Code 129 N 4th St. Saint Charles, MO 63301
Text Messages Only: 636-734-5004